
I did then what I knew how to do. Now that I know better, I do better.

Prince William Awaits Finals

After spending four years at St Andrews University studying, Prince William will receive his degree results tomorrow. As one of Britain’s most renowned undergraduates and second in line to the throne, he will be able to access his final grade online from 9 am.

Last year, he shared that he was on track to achieve an upper-second-class honours degree (2:1) in geography MA, subject to performing well in his dissertation and final exams. For his 10,000-word dissertation, he researched the Indian Ocean’s coral reefs in Rodrigues.

Initially, the prince found it hard to settle down in the isolated Scottish town in Fife, with his first term proving to be difficult. He eventually adjusted by switching his course from history of art to geography, and St Andrews soon became a haven for him. The locals grew used to having the royal pin-up around town, and he celebrated his 23rd birthday earlier this month.

Tomorrow, Prince William and hundreds of fellow students will be able to access their degree classifications online through a secure website. From Monday, they will also receive a confirmation letter by post. Graduation takes place at the end of June in the town of St Andrews, with approximately 1,400 students graduating. Thus, ending his university experience before entering into military training and preparing to fly to New Zealand to join the British Lions squad on their rugby tour.

While on the islands, Prince William plans to carry out his first solo engagements on behalf of the Queen and mark the end of the Second World War. He will then follow his long-term goals of signing up for the army and attending Sandhurst, like his younger brother Prince Harry. Despite knowing that royal duties are awaiting him, he asserted being "wary" of developing his public role too soon.

Prince William’s father, the Prince of Wales, received a lower second-class honours degree (2:2) in his history degree from Trinity College, Cambridge. Prince Charles had initially selected archaeology and anthropology but later switched courses. The Earl of Wessex, who studied at Jesus College, Cambridge, was also awarded a 2:2. Prince Charles is the first heir to the throne to take a degree.


  • emmetthouse

    Emmett House is a 29 yo school teacher and blogger who is passionate about education. He has a vast amount of experience in the field and is always eager to share his insights with others. Emmett is a dedicated teacher who truly cares about his students' success. He is also an expert on using technology in the classroom, and is always looking for new ways to engage his students.

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