
I did then what I knew how to do. Now that I know better, I do better.

Book Report: Roots By Alex Haley

The 1970s were a time of great influence and awe for “Roots”, which is considered to be one of history’s greatest books. Alex Haley was the author. Through this book, Alex Haley clearly relates the struggles that a black person faces as a slave. Alex Haley’s family told him the story of Kunta Kinte, but when he became an adult, he used the book Roots as a way to bring his imaginations into reality.

This book is about slaves being captured and treated inhumanely. But it also tells of a number of people who didn’t give up, no matter what the white man said or did to them. Haley’s search for roots changed the view of white Americans on black people (Dyson). His book was filled with individuals who would help blacks understand the struggles their ancestors, and other people had to face to survive. Alex Haley wants African Americans to know that they are capable of achieving any goal they set for themselves, as long as they take history into account.

This book, written in chronological sequence, begins in 1750 in Juffure village, West Africa, which is said to be four days from Gambia. It was done to give a sense of where they were, how they were living and that it was a free life. Binta Kinte had Kunta Kinte in West Africa while Omaro Kinte was living there. Kunta, as the first born male, was considered to be blessed not only by his parents but also himself. It was believed that Kinte’s name would become proud, distinguished, and endure (Haley 2017). As a result, there were many traditional activities that took place for the Kintes to celebrate this momentous occasion. These included the preparation of the traditional meal and the prayer of the men to Allah. Haley added this information to the book to demonstrate that each culture has its own traditions. This shows that there is no anger or rebelliousness in the book. The men eat before the women, and then the last thing they do is eat themselves. This was how the culture of that era and time operated. These men took care themselves by working, farming, planting and doing other things to provide for their families. However, they did this with grace and ease. Alex Haley demonstrated what he believed, that men should be the heads of their family and take care of them no matter how difficult it was. Women were responsible for cooking, taking care of children, men, and ensuring their health. Men and women/children lived in separate houses.

Haley continues his story in the following chapters, describing the life of Kunta’s family and the devastating rains that ravaged their land. He described the hardships that these families faced and the difficulties they had to endure as they struggled to save their crops or ravage their land. Haley showed how their faith and prayers kept them going day by day. Their social histories were amazing, and they all relied on Allah and each other to get through. Each of their religions was untouchable and strong. Haley seemed to have a strong religious background, as she explained so clearly how each individual relied upon their Allah. They prayed to find solutions for making their land better, but also for Allah to hear them.

Haley shows the visualisation of his depictions throughout this book. The reader is fascinated by the story, even though it’s a disgusting one. Haley wanted to emphasize that the Master Wallace, his wife Elizabeth and Kunta were trying to convey the feelings of their story when they asked Kunta to call himself Toby. It was an atrocity that people from North America could mistreat those who didn’t look like themselves. Kunta did not accept Toby because he already knew the meaning of his name. Haley had reverted her actions to what Kunta’s parents taught him. This was a historical issue that Haley should be exposed and acknowledged.

The writer’s vivid descriptions helped the reader to understand the inhumane treatment of slaves and their brutality. Visually, it was easy to see and feel the marks left by the lashings on the slave’s body, especially when they were described. Haley was able to create a sense of horror with his descriptions. It was important to use metaphors that would engage the mind, the body and the soul of the reader. Haley is trying to show how Kunta’s empowerment continues by showing his attempts to run. He then has to decide whether to have his foot or castrated. Kunta’s choice was clear. He had his foot cut off. In the American history of slavery, the crimes that should have been classified as crimes were actually the impurity of the slave owner’s life. Due to the Independent Judiciary, the Colonial Government and the lack of laws and rights for slaves in the 13 colonies, these individuals really only had a few rules. Alex Haley’s words seem to reflect the mood of the time and the lack of care for other people.

Alex Haley’s story is a powerful one that not only gives us a negative perspective but also reveals the struggles of many ancestors. As this book is being read today, the judicial systems are filled with a sense of disdain. The book Roots did not contain any laws that would protect African Americans. Even today, there are laws written, but without the necessary power to solidify current situations. Alex Haley proves that black people are the common denominator. This is a biased view, as it would suggest that slavery had been abolished and the world was a different place. There are many laws, rules or perhaps Amendments that have been put in place to counter the idea of racial bias. Many would fight to the death to prove that America does not have any injustices today. However, many others would disagree.

Alex Haley’s book Roots was not only informative and educational, but also a real eye-opener to many things. It doesn’t matter if it is a fiction or fact book. The writing was so good that anyone who reads it will gain more knowledge. It’s easy to see why this book is so popular and is also deemed a fantastic read. It’s a great way to remind yourself of how important our history is and what many people have forgotten. The film reminds us of the importance of respecting and appreciating our ancestors’ struggles throughout their lifetime. Roots is a good reminder to never let history repeat. Roots is not a book that should make any African American illiterate.

This book is a great read and well-written. It is a book of great historical value, and it contains many factors from the past that must be considered to avoid a repeat of history. It is impossible for me to imagine what it would be like to live as a slave. This book is clear, concise and makes the important points it intended. I feel our forefathers had a specific purpose in being here, and that reason was to endure slavery. Without the negative histories that were shunned against our people, I feel we would be less strong than we are today. Alex Haley’s Roots book was incredible and has stood the test time.


  • emmetthouse

    Emmett House is a 29 yo school teacher and blogger who is passionate about education. He has a vast amount of experience in the field and is always eager to share his insights with others. Emmett is a dedicated teacher who truly cares about his students' success. He is also an expert on using technology in the classroom, and is always looking for new ways to engage his students.

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